A food and restaurant lover, I have always been asked for advice on which restaurant to choose. To which question I would always answer back: what are you looking for?

Besides the Michelin guides (with its bias), I’ve never encountered a reliable source of information to try to find the right restaurant.

NO COMMENT! is a modest attempt to a more personalized advice on restaurant based on what is important to you!…

It will soon be available as an App. For now, I share my ratings of the restaurants I like and have been fortunate to spend some happy moments at…

I personally value food and atmosphere in the choice of a restaurant and am moderately price-sensitive. This is my bias but I’m sure you’ll enjoy my recommendations!

I distinguish two type of establishments: those that are “Frenchie approved” with typically an outstanding experience from a food and atmosphere perspective at a reasonable price and those that are “Mythique”, and constitute a lifetime memory (therefore priceless… and forgetting budget considerations).

Check out my rating system and let me know your feedback.

A food and restaurant lover, I have always been asked for advice on which restaurant to choose. To which question I would always answer back: what are you looking for?

Besides the Michelin guides (with its bias), I’ve never encountered a reliable source of information to try to find the right restaurant.

NO COMMENT! is a modest attempt to a more personalized advice on restaurant based on what is important to you!…

It will soon be available as an App. For now, I share my ratings of the restaurants I like and have been fortunate to spend some happy moments at…

I personally value food and atmosphere in the choice of a restaurant and am moderately price-sensitive. This is my bias but I’m sure you’ll enjoy my recommendations!

I distinguish two type of establishments: those that are “Frenchie approved” with typically an outstanding experience from a food and atmosphere perspective at a reasonable price and those that are “Mythique”, and constitute a lifetime memory (therefore priceless… and forgetting budget considerations).

Check out my rating system and let me know your feedback.


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